Hot Toys Summer Showcase 2021 大型珍藏人偶展覽 – HOT TOYS接受預訂,2023年1月27日派貨: 1/6 合金 Action Figure Iron Man Mark I HK$2,880

【《鐵甲奇俠》鐵甲奇俠 Mark I 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶 (特別版)】

Hot Toys於2010年開創人偶界先河,取得漫威影業授權製作《鐵甲奇俠》電影系列的高端1:6比例珍藏人偶,以當時的技術來說,鐵甲奇俠Mark I珍藏人偶結合複雜的機械裝甲結構、造型比例與可動性,可謂技驚四座,現於市場上絕版已久,所以亦早已成為鐵甲迷擁躉們心目中的摯愛經典收藏。

是此Hot Toys載譽歸來以合金素材重塑《鐵甲奇俠》鐵甲奇俠Mark 1 1:6比例珍藏合金人偶,為欠缺這個型號的鐵甲迷圓夢!Hot Toys特別按照Tony Stark的外型比例,塑造出高逾30cm、具36多個活動關節的高可動專用素體,配有一件啡色長袖上衣與一條灰色長褲。而裝甲部分,是次Hot Toys以合金作主要素材,同時採用高像真度的塗裝技巧於裝甲上厚重金屬感、污損和舊化效果,同時更飾有極度逼真的焊接位與打鐵般的浮雕效果,將設定中的殘舊金屬感仔細呈現。

與此同時,裝甲上的各項細節包括: 胸口反應器與左前臂位置配有LED 亮燈功能 (需USB接駁電源啟動)、左前臂裝有微型飛彈、右前臂配有黃色燃料樽、配有一對火燄特效組件 (可以安裝在前臂的噴嘴上)、大腿外側的鏈條,以至背部的發動組件,都像真地重現電影中的複雜設計。

隨人偶將配備了一個 Tony Stark 連Mark I 裝甲頭盔的頭雕,揭開頭盔面罩後可看到Tony Stark極像真頭雕,捕捉角色的表情神髓、五官輪廓、凌亂髮型和招牌鬍子造型,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。此外,團隊們更按照著電影劇情精心情景地台,底座上鑲有廢棄的彈藥箱和火箭筒,後者還印上Stark Industries的字樣,傳神地重演Tony Stark在山洞中死裏逃生的一幕。

特別版配件: 鐵甲奇俠 Mark I 原金屬色頭盔

【會員優先預訂日】7月16日 (星期五): 所有 Toy Hunters Secret Base 及 Star Wars Hot Toys Collector Council (只限星球大戰人偶) 會員

【公開預訂】7月17日 (星期六)至 7月21日 (星期三)

*上述日期內預訂珍藏版人偶,均可獲得該款人偶的特別版配件一個[蜘蛛俠 (黑金色戰衣) 1:6比例珍藏人偶除外]
*另設有普通版於7月22日起在Hot Toys Secret Base及Echo Base 接受預訂

Hot Toys Echo Base: 銅鑼灣Fashion Walk百德新街地下12-14號舖
Hot Toys Secret Base:旺角彌敦道582-592號信和中心20樓

【Iron Man – 1/6th scale Iron Man Mark I Collectible Figure】
“My turn.” – Tony Stark
The origin of all preceding Iron Man, Mark I was manually crafted by Tony Stark from limited resources found in the cave, including pieces of scrap metal and machine parts, as part of the plan to escape from the terrorists. Taking fans back to the beginning where it all started, Hot Toys is extremely thrilled today to present a diecast version of your favorite superhero in his very first generation of Iron Man armor!
The stunningly detailed 1/6th scale Iron Man Mark I collectible figure is crafted based on the first suit, features a newly painted helmeted head sculpt of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark; highly-accurate Mark I armor parts made in diecast material with real wires and cables attached showcases armor’s complexity; multiple layers of steel-like painting in metallic silver and bronze to modify texture and weathering effects; LED light-up functions on Arc Reactor and forearm; highly-accurate engine motor on the back with rotary design simulating a running engine; the iconic weapon Flamethrower and effect accessories to recreate scenes from the movie; and a themed diorama base enhancing the collection experience.
Furthermore, a SPECIAL EDITION of this Iron Man figure offers an additional raw metal diecast Mark I helmet as the bonus accessory only available in selected markets!